Jesus offers hope to the sick by demonstrating His power to heal and His nearness to the hurting, calling us to trust Him even when healing doesn’t come, because His ultimate goal is our eternal salvation.
John 5:3-9, Jeremiah 29:11, John 11:33-37
Why do you think Jesus asked the man at the pool, “Do you want to get well?”—what might this reveal about how we approach our own struggles or desires for healing?
If Jesus’ miracles, like healing the man or raising Lazarus, were meant to point people to faith, how should that shape the way we pray for or think about healing today?
When God doesn’t heal someone we love, how do you wrestle with the tension between believing He can heal and accepting that He might not—where do you find hope in that space?
The message says Jesus is more focused on eternal salvation than temporary healing—how does that perspective challenge or comfort you when you’re facing something hard like sickness?
How do you see community playing a role in carrying hope when healing doesn’t come—what’s one way you’ve experienced or could offer that kind of support?