Big Idea
Wise people watch their mouth.
Key Verses
Matthew 26:69-75. James 3:5-6
Discussion Questions
What’s one thing someone said to you recently that really stuck with you? Was it positive or negative, and why did it have such an impact?
How does the imagery in James 3 (the bit in a horse’s mouth and the rudder of a ship) help us understand the impact of our words? Can you think of a time when something you said affected a situation significantly?
Why do you think Peter denied Jesus despite his earlier bold statements? How can his story help us handle difficult situations where we’re tempted to speak impulsively?
Proverbs 18:21 says, “The tongue has the power of life and death.” What do you think this means? How can we apply this wisdom to our relationships with friends and family?
This week, how can you be more intentional with your words? What’s one specific way you can speak life into someone’s situation, or choose to listen more than you speak?